Fat Girl tells HER views on hikes in the Pacific Northwest

I HATE, HATE, and triple HATE it when a hiking website or book tells me that a hike is easy and you get there and it kills you! This is because, if your like me, you might be outta shape or FAT. Hiking is a bitch no doubt about it! But, I wanted something cheap and fun to do with my girlfriends and hiking is the perfect way to rid yourself of women drama and just do something! Since I started hiking in January 2010 I have lost 30 lbs...I still have another 50 to go so I have grabbed some friends and hit the trail and I want you to do the same!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Eagle Creek to Punchbowl Falls September 2010

My wonderful husband and I decided to venture on this hike together.  This hike can be easy or hard, depending on what your are in the mood for.  We decided to do the 4.5 mile hike which is from the parking lot to the high viewing point of the punchbowl and then back down the mountain. You can venture another 2 miles to high bridge or go 12 miles round trip to tunnel falls ( I will do this with my girls one day). On a hot day you can jump off a 30 foot cliff into the water...again something I might do with my friends.

To get here take I-84 to Exit 41 and turn right follow the street all the way till it dead ends and park. It's a $5 day pass and please pay it as we saw lots of cars with tickets! This hiking spot is extremely busy...and for the small paths its a bit too busy! I would recommend not to bring children or animals on this hike as it does have some super steep cliffs with not alot of walking room. 

On this hike I wore my new cargo knee length shorts, T-shirt, and brought a fleece jacket with me.  As always, I suggest that you pack water, snacks, and maybe a lunch! If you choose to go into the water, bring extra clothes and shoes. 

You can view 3 waterfalls on this hike and all three of them are amazing! If you are able to make it down to the water...getting up the hill is challenging and don't look for easier ways up. We saw lots of people trying to take a quick route out of the water and got stuck going at a 60 degree angle path! Bad news!!

Because I am klutzy...I hurt myself (again) hiking. I twisted my ankle..the same ankle from July. So make sure to watch were your walking, bring your trekking stick, and wear good shoes.  This hike is rocky in places. If I didn't have my hiking boots on...I think  I would have broken it this time!

This is a perfect long hike for those new to hiking! This is a pretty flat hike (unless you head down to the water) and there is so much scenery to see. Also, since this is a very busy hiking trail there are people to talk to you in the event you get lost or have questions.  I would recommend that you get here early (before 9am) or late (after 3pm).

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