Fat Girl tells HER views on hikes in the Pacific Northwest

I HATE, HATE, and triple HATE it when a hiking website or book tells me that a hike is easy and you get there and it kills you! This is because, if your like me, you might be outta shape or FAT. Hiking is a bitch no doubt about it! But, I wanted something cheap and fun to do with my girlfriends and hiking is the perfect way to rid yourself of women drama and just do something! Since I started hiking in January 2010 I have lost 30 lbs...I still have another 50 to go so I have grabbed some friends and hit the trail and I want you to do the same!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Eagle Creek to Tunnel Falls- 14 amazing miles!

A few months ago my husband and I registered for our first half marathon and when I clicked the register button the first thing that went through my head was "oh Shit!" How could I, a 33 year old, never physically fit girl, ever attempt to run or walk a 13.1 mile track...in less than 4 hours" I told myself that I would need to suck it up and just do it. This is something I have always wanted to try, just scared to try it. So, when I got the balls to plan a 12 mile hiking trip with some of my friends and step-daughter...I thought the same thing. I was petrified but, wanted to do it. From experience, I knew the Eagle Creek trail was not steep. It's an elevation gain of about 450 feet, from what one website states. If I was going to hike 12 miles, this would be the trail to take. This is also the trail (from previous blog entries) that I injured myself last September and
had to make the awesome journey to a local urgent care that accepted my insurance and be asked several times, if I was a drug addict...but , that’s another story.

I enlisted my trusted hiking squad on this adventure: Amanda, Kelsey, Ida, and Becky. We introduced a new member to our club on this adventure as well...Haley.

To get to the Eagle Creek Trail, its exit 41 off of the I-84 east. At the end of the ramp turn right, follow the street all the way to the end and park as close as you can to the REGISTER HERE post. Its $5 per vehicle, per day, at the trailhead so, if you are unable to find parking close, pick up your slip, as you will need this on your dashboard or you will get a ticket, and then drive to find parking. I recommend you arrive at the trailhead before 9am or after 3pm to find parking. This trail is the one of the busiest in Oregon on the weekends. Some parking can leave you walking an additional 1/2 mile to the trailhead.

There are many different stops you can make at this trail...you can go to the Punchbowl which is a 2 mile jaunt (4 miles all together) into the forest, or you can go to high bridge which is, according to the signs, a 3.3 mile (6.6 miles all together) in and out hike. Or you can be crazy like us, and hike 6.5 miles (13 miles!?!) in and out to see tunnel Falls. The great news about the tunnel falls hike, is that once you get that deep into the forest, you can camp at several places. They are all first come first serve and some are big enough for a large group...just remember you have to carry your crap in and out. You can also get about a mile past tunnel falls to camp at 7.5 mile campground. Maybe when I get diagnosed as clinically insane, I will try to backpack in and out...I'll keep you posted.

For this amazing feat, I wore my trusted hiking boots with padded hiking socks, my sweat collector Danskin pants, a couple long tank tops, my trusted bandana and sweatshirt. For this hike, I also mole skinned the crap out of my feet (to no avail may I add...keep reading). For a 14 mile hike, I also brought lots of CARBS!! Fruit, trail mix, fruit snacks, turkey jerky, fruit...you could bring chocolate but, I have recently been told to go dairy and gluten free...so fruit...is my new beastie.

We started this hike around 9am. We computed that it should take us approximately 6 hours to complete (photo and rest stops included). This hike, no matter where you want to stop is gorgeous! Trees, water, hills, and waterfalls! You will start off taking pics everywhere as it’s so amazing and makes you feel privileged to live so close to nature like this. But, please be careful on this trail ladies!! The trail in some spots is no more than 24 inches wide with a 30-100 foot drop off on the side. In some spots, where it is especi9ally narrow, there are cables for you to hold onto. In these spots, hikers going up and down need to be courteous with each other, go single file, and be patient! About a mile in, you will have a trail to the right to take you to a viewing spot for Metlako falls. Its am amazing view and you won’t hate yourself for taking extra time to visit this site....we did not stop to see this waterfall as our goal was 13 miles...and none of us wanted to add onto our lofty goal. At mile 2, is when you come to the trail that takes you to the water and a lower view of punchbowl falls. This is also where you can jump off of a 30 foot cliff into the water or sit down for a spell. Again, we did not venture down the trail because we were lazy AND there is an awesome viewing spot of Punchbowl falls a few steps farther down the trail and again we are attempting 13 miles. Once you pass punchbowl falls, the trail gets a bit wider at stages and the fewer people you see. You will pass a bridge a ways up...this is not high bridge...you will then pass another bridge...again don’t think this is high bridge because it’s not...when you get to high bridge you will UNDERSTAND why it’s called high bridge...and you now know your half way through the first leg of your hike. Stop here and enjoy the sites! There is also a great potty spot to the right after you cross the bridge! Take advantage of this spot...as there is not much to choose from the farther you go. Also, as we got father along..we spotted a snake and a scorpion!! No joke!

You will pass some campsites and then you will come to another bridge that is just a few feet above the crystal clear water of the creek.  There is a small rocky beach here that you can enjoy if the weather is right! The water is freaking cold so, be prepared!! We stopped and put our feet in on the way back. This bridge will also tell you that you have hit 4.5 miles! the next 2 miles, felt like they took forever!! At about 5 miles in, I got a bit dizzy and felt faint, so we stopped to rest a little while on some logs. I’m not sure why I felt this way but, I’m thinking it had to do with the closed in feeling or the fact that I started thinking about what if something was to happen...5 miles in...no place to land a helicopter...oh and the fact that since I am 5 miles in I have to walk 5 miles out...10 miles...oh shit....

Right around this area is where you will find some awesome camping areas! This is also where several trails meet up together and you will start seeing people again! You know you are getting close, when you reach the permit area sign! This is where other trail hikers, can pay their fee for the campsites if needed. This is also where we started picking up the pace! It was an exciting feeling knowing you are SOOOOO close to something that not a lot of people have made the venture to see in this world! Once you hit, what they call the Potholes, you are almost there!! you go around a few more bends and BAM!!

You have made it to Tunnel Falls!! The most amazing waterfall I have ever been too!! What's so amazing about it is that there is a tunnel behind the waterfall that you walk in and you can stand RIGHT NEXT to a high powered, flowing, real life, waterfall!!

Now, let me give you some words of caution here...The trail is rocky and wet and slippery and about 18 inches (less than 2 feet) wide! BE CAREFUL! The drop is about 50 feet into the water below. When you get to this spot...you will get wet! protect your camera and belongings as much as possible! The 6.5 miles it took to get us here though, was well worth the reward! The waterfall is amazing!! I can't believe I waited this long to actually get my fat-ass upto it.

This was our turn around spot. This was also the time where we eat. So, we walked back, past the potholes, and found an awesome open campsite where we squatted and ate our lunch. This is also where, I realized my moleskin was crap and ill placed. I took off my boots and socks to find my feet blistered in places that I didn't even know existed. I brought some moleskin in my pack (as usual) and was able to re-place the mole skin on my feet. Even though I was able to replace the moleskin...it still hurt to walk...and the blisters were still there...OUCH!! FML I have basically 6 miles to go!! When we reached the 4.5 mile bridge, we stopped to put our sore feet into the ice cold water and allow some time to relax. After hanging out for about 20 mins we started our non-stop venture back to the parking lot. Besides my blisters, Ida wasn't feeling well, Becky was feeling some pain, Haley was feeling her knees, Amanda was feeling great, and Kelsey was feeling her calves for the first time in her 14 year existence.

I am not going to lie to you. The rest of the hike is a blur. It went fast but, slow...like...a half an hour, in my mind, took 3 hours! I could NOT WAIT to get back to Amanda's car and take off my boots, put on my flippy floppies, and REST!! When we reached punchbowl falls...I said out loud.."2 more freaking miles!!!" At this point, I ran out of water in my camel back...and it was warm outside...my feet hurt SO BAD, and I was barely touching the ground when I stepped. When I saw the parking lot, I almost cried! When I got to Amanda's car, I immediately sat down on the curb next to it and proceeded to take off my boots!! WHOA! OUCH! BOO!

When I got home, I immediately took a hot Epson salt bath, popped and bandaged my blisters well, my amazing husband helped me with this task. Took an Aleve and headed to the couch for the rest of the evening! I recommend you do the same!!


Ladies, the next day I felt great! Remember, I have been walking and trying to be active for the last few weeks before attempting this hike. I would suggest you don't attempt this hike until you have had some hikes under your belt and never by yourself. basically, this hike is a half marathon, in boots, on rocks. If you don’t feel you’re ready...then build up until you are. I would recommend that you first start by going to Punchbowl falls and work your way to Tunnel falls. This hike is so amazing that my friend has asked me to repeat this hike with her and her husband in 2 weeks. I will let you know if I take her up on the invite… But, for right now, it’s been two days and I can still feel every inch of that hike on the blisters I have.

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