Fat Girl tells HER views on hikes in the Pacific Northwest

I HATE, HATE, and triple HATE it when a hiking website or book tells me that a hike is easy and you get there and it kills you! This is because, if your like me, you might be outta shape or FAT. Hiking is a bitch no doubt about it! But, I wanted something cheap and fun to do with my girlfriends and hiking is the perfect way to rid yourself of women drama and just do something! Since I started hiking in January 2010 I have lost 30 lbs...I still have another 50 to go so I have grabbed some friends and hit the trail and I want you to do the same!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Forest Park Hike May 2010

This hike blew! nothing to see...if you want to walk in nature just to walk then do this..if you want a good time AVOID it!

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